Deciding if Doggie Daycare is Right for You.

You have mixed feelings about taking your pup to doggie daycare. You’ve heard from a friend of a friend that daycare facilities don’t watch dogs closely, and Aunt Sheryl loves to retell the story about her neighbor’s pooch becoming unruly after attending daycare once. You question whether or not your pup might be much happier being home alone.

It’s okay to question yourself; in fact, you should. Remember that not all dogs or dog care facilities are the same, and once you begin to unravel facts from speculation, you can make an informed decision about doggy daycare.

Finding the Right Facility

First, before you even contemplate sending your dog to daycare, make sure you find a reputable facility with fantastic client reviews. Do your research focusing on getting the correct answer, which can only be a “yes,” for each of the following questions:

  • Is the staff properly trained to handle many possible scenarios, including animal first aid and CPR, kennel sanitation, and canine behavior? Does it appear the team loves their job?
  • Will your dog, and all dogs staying for the first time, undergo a behavioral evaluation to ensure the staff places each in the right playgroup group based on age and social behavior tendencies?
  • Does your pup enjoy socializing with other dogs and being active rather than at home alone?
  • Are there dog cams for you to watch your pup and handlers throughout the day?
  • Are people permitted to tour the facility anytime during open hours?
  • Does the facility offer fun, enriching, and interactive elements, such as bridges, benches, wading pools, and caring canine handlers to supervise each group throughout the day?
  • Does the facility require up-to-date vaccinations for all dogs, such as for Bordetella, Parvovirus, Distemper, and Rabies? Do they require all dogs to be on a regular flea and tick prevention program?
  • Do all dogs need to be spayed or neutered, and what are the guidelines?
  • Will the experienced staff handle your dog’s specific needs, such as administering medication, feeding them the food you prefer, and knowing their limitations (if any)?
  • Does the facility offer a flexible schedule where you can bring in your pup as few or as many times as you want throughout the month?
  • Are you happy with the facility’s other services, such as grooming, retail dog products, and overnight stays?

It’s All About the Needs of You and Your Dog

So now that you’ve asked yourself the important questions about the facility and are happy with your findings, it’s time to focus on you, your dog, and your needs. 

Placing your dog in a trusted doggie daycare facility is the answer for you if:

  • Your pup gets anxious when you’re away for too long; They chew on their crate or furniture or exhibit other negative behavior to pass the time until you return.
  • The length of time you are away and the lack of potty breaks make 
  • Your dog enjoys socializing with other dogs in carefully picked playgroups. If you’re unsure, it’s an excellent time to get it used to other pups and humans.
  • You get peace of mind knowing your dog is in safe hands and getting positive attention.
  • it hard for your dog,
  • Your pup requires medication on a schedule.
  • Getting in enough doggie exercise and mental stimulation takes a lot of work to fit into your day.
  • You don’t have to open your home to a pet sitter or walker.
  • The facility you’ve researched offers competitive pricing, is transparent and communicative, and has a stellar reputation.

Arriving at an Answer

The Dog Stop® ticks off all of these bullet points! Find a convenient location. We invite you and your pup to enjoy the first day of daycare on us. Tour the facility, get to know the staff, and let our them get to know your pup. It’s also a great time to check out pricing options and other services we offer. We’re the perfect home-away-from-home. It’s where tails go to wag!