Benefits of Daily Exercise for Your Dog: Mind, Body & Soul

As humans, we’ve learned how the benefits of daily exercise, keeping a positive attitude and regular socialization can positively affect our mind, body, and spirit. If we do these things each day, we are happier, healthier and more adapted to the outside world. However, if we don’t put time into our physical and mental health, things may go downhill.

So, what does this have to do with my dog?

Industry experience proves active dogs who enjoy plenty of playtime and social activity are happier, healthier and well-adjusted. This September, your friends at The Dog Stop® want to remind dog owners of the benefits of daily exercise and regular socialization for your dog. As the seasons change and we dust off our gym memberships, let’s take some time to see why The Dog Stop®’s Doggie Daycare program may be the perfect way for your dog to get their play on!


The brain is an incredible thing and if you don’t use it, you lose it. Dogs are instinctual, they want to chase, hunt, and dig. An active dog means a more relaxed dog, especially the working, sporting and hound types. If your dog isn’t getting enough exercise he or she may become more anxious and hyperactive. Idle minds can lead to dangerous things like jumping on children, biting a guest or nuisance problems like barking excessively at neighbors or digging. Keeping your dog active will keep his mind at ease.



Are you noticing your dog is putting on more weight? Do they seem to move a little slower? Has he been acting more sluggish? While there may be an underlying health problem, before you jump to conclusions, consider if your dog is getting enough physical exercise.

Like humans, dogs that aren’t working to their physical potential will gain weight, develop bone and joint stiffness, and get sick more often. Put some pep in Rex’s step by getting him out of the house! Talk him for a walk, throw the frisbee, enroll him in a doggy daycare program. Give him a week or two and see if you notice a leaner, happier and healthier dog.



Does Roxy seem to be more aggressive than usual? Alternatively, is she becoming more fearful of guests? Does she play well with other dogs or do you have to put her in your bedroom when another dog is around?

Dogs that lack social interaction tend to have issues getting along with other dogs, adults and children. It’s important for dogs to develop their social skills and understand the importance of boundaries, sharing and self-control. Being socially interactive with other dogs will help them learn these things.


With school well underway, the days growing shorter and the holiday season just around the corner, dog owners may find it hard to balance upcoming activities while maintaining their own health, let alone their dogs. And while no one should suffer, it’s understandable why during the wintertime dogs pack on few pounds, catch a case of cabin fever or end up at the vet more than usual.

Avoid Rex and Roxy’s winter slump and visit The Dog Stop® today and sign up for Doggie Daycare! Call or visit one of our nine locations in Delaware, Louisiana, Ohio & Pennsylvania!

The Dog Stop® – Where Tails Go to Wag!